Can You Be Sensitive and Successful in Tough Environments?

Anisia Bucur FRSA
2 min readDec 6, 2020

Your sensitivity often hides more strength than you can imagine. Make it your friend and tame it to serve your path.

As a coach, I love to work with people who share some common qualities. They are kind, empathetic and intuitive. It so happens that they are also highly talented, visionary and competent individuals.

Yet, having these qualities does not mean that they have an easy ride in their career.

In fact, they are sometimes made to feel that they are too sensitive to succeed in cut-throat industries.

Their kindness is seen as weakness.
Their empathy is seen as inefficiency.
Their intuition is seen as, frankly, useless.

If you ever doubted, or were made to doubt, that you were perhaps too sensitive to be succesful in your industry, you know how this feels.

You might have even said to yourself: “if only I were a bit tougher mentally, things would be easier for me!”

The kindest and most empathetic people often have the hardest time to adapt to the world. They are the modern mavericks who refuse to allow toxic workplaces diminish them. So, you are not alone.

And… You can also have success, especially when you gain more self-awareness into your own power.

If you are both kind and high-achieving, here are some ways to deepen your impact:

  • Every quality has a positive and dark side. What do your kindness, empathy, or intuition hide? When are they becoming of disservice to you? For example, kindness can be a mechanism to avoid upsetting people, often at your own detriment!
  • What is your definition of success? Let it guide you towards what feels authentic to you, even if it means leaving a part of you behind.
  • How can you use these qualities to your advantage in a difficult environment? Make a list of the ways in which your qualities can be shaped to serve your interests.

Your sensitivity often hides more strength than you can imagine. Make it your friend and tame it to serve your path.

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Anisia Bucur FRSA

Coach — Career and Work Transformation | PhD Researcher | Facilitator